Sunday, August 18, 2013

Neptune's Pride 2 : Triton (Browser)

I have started my first Neptune's Pride 2 game today, with 7 other people - all friends of a friend. After hearing about the game on the weekend we really wanted to give it a go immediately. Production happens once every 24 hours, orders are carried out every "tick" or pulse - sending your fleets between planets takes hours - leaving lots of time for diplomacy (the true core of the game) - gather resources, make ships, send fleets, invest in research, conquer: sounds simple right? The game will apparently take around 4 weeks to complete - investing a little time every day to plan and stack your orders - then wait as they get resolved. Even combat is automatic - I will be chronicling the progression of the game on my other blog : AltecApollyon's World.

What attracts me about this game is it's play style, which fits right into the life of a busy adult (or a father) - I can make my moves in the morning, during my lunch break over my mobile and then check up on it again after the kids are in bed. Like a board game night with friends, stretched over weeks - if that sounds like fun to you check it out, you can play for free, in your browser, on your tablet or phone (since it's all HTML 5).

Check Neptune's Pride 2 Triton out here.

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