Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ace of Spades (PC/Steam)

Yikes, I popped this one on the other day. I knew it was going to be kinda sucky - I could see from the rating but I wanted to give it a chance anyhow. You know, it's Minecraft meets Team Fortress or something like that, but the problem for me was that I couldn't find anyone to play with on the servers. So I was stuck with joining on of the only places I could find people playing which was some kind of zombie game. I ran around for a bit playing 1v1 with some stranger that knew the game infinitely better than me and then after dying countless times I decided I had seen enough - bits of the game are designed well and look pretty good, others are not but overall the gameplay just wasn't enough to keep me interested. If I want to play Minecraft then I will, if I want to play a competitive multiplay FPS then I have enough of those kicking around then I actually enjoy, am good at and are full of other players. thanks Ace of Spaces : deleted.

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