Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Republika Times (Browser)

I played Republika Times because I had read an article about Lucas Pope's upcoming (at that time) game "Papers Please." Once I played it I knew that I had to get Papers Please.

In the The Republika Times you are a newspaper editor. You're family is being held hostage by your oppressive regime of a government. They will be punished if you do not do what the regime tells to you to. Your job is to gain readership to the newspaper while also increasing loyalty to the government. But what you don't expect from a little browser game with a very simple mechanic is that there is actually a story as well. There's also a really good twist. Imagine that, a thought-provoking game, simple in design and mechanic, but memorable and original.

The stark black and white and red palette works so well (especially for a game based on newspapers) as does the old-school windows 3.11 look of your "workspace." The clock in the top left corner is a perfect device to add a pressing challenge to your workday, ahhhhhh I just love it.

What should we call these kinds of games? They create awareness and perhaps even educate, they are thought-provoking and even political. I've run into a few of these lately and I have yet to find a good term for them, although they are definitely apart of a growing genre as games grow up and strive to become more then just squashing koopas.

You can play the game (and I suggest you do) at :

Let me know what you think.

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